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Communication Tips for Caregivers of Seniors with Dementia

Cropped view of senior man playing with puzzles on table.

Caring for a senior with dementia can be both challenging and rewarding. Dementia affects memory, language, and cognitive abilities, which can make communication difficult. However, clear strategies can help caregivers foster meaningful interactions and ease daily routines. Effective communication with seniors with dementia involves patience, empathy, and using clear, simple language while maintaining eye contact […]

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What Services Does Memory Care Offer?

An older adult man in a memory care community sitting on a chair smiling and conversing with a nurse.

Memory care communities have become an essential haven for those experiencing cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s and other dementia. These specialized environments are designed to accommodate the needs of their residents and enhance their daily lives through tailored care and supportive services.  Memory care offers services and amenities like: Personalized Care Plans At the heart […]

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What Causes Hallucinations in Seniors?

A young nurse and a senior woman smiling at each other.

Hallucinations can be a distressing experience, both for seniors who experience them and the caregivers supporting them. They can be a troublesome situation that needs to be approached with care. But by understanding hallucinations—and the common root causes behind them—caregivers can learn how to help a loved one experiencing a hallucination and take preventative measures […]

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